Design and manufacture of samplers for powders and granules

Custom-designed and manufactured in our workshops, our systems for powders and granules are suitable for sampling from storage (hopper, silo, big-bag), gravity chute (pipe, belt and screw conveyor) or pneumatic transport.

Storage samplers for powders and granules

Sampling from hoppers, silos, big bags and other types of storage

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Powder and granule samplers on gravity chutes

Sampling from pipes, belts, screw conveyors and other gravity chutes.

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Powder and granule samplers on pneumatic conveyors

In addition to our sampling systems for powders and granules, discover our sampling solutions for liquids and liquids with fillers.

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Préleveurs de poudres et granulés sur transport pneumatique

In addition to our sampling systems for powders and granules, discover our sampling solutions for liquids and liquids with fillers.

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